Every parent wants their child to have friends, get along with their peers, and feel safe and secure when they go to school, camp, the playground, or to any other social setting. One of a parent’s worst fears is that their child will become the victim of a bully. Not…Read More
Your child’s separation anxiety: Is it normal?
It’s not unusual for a young child to feel worried or anxious when being dropped off at daycare or someone else’s home. In most cases, separation anxiety is a normal stage of childhood development. However, in some children, the anxious feelings persist or even intensify over time, causing chronic worries…Read More
Stop Bullying in 10 Steps
The following 10 steps can play a role in reducing or even eliminating bulling altogether for your child. 1. Never Ignore Bullying Never brush off behavior as kids playing or as something harmless. Any type of bullying should be addressed in the appropriate fashion. 2. Look For Signs of Bullying…Read More
Back-to-School Safety and Health Tips
Parents today need to keep a closer eye on their children than ever before. It seems like the news reports on missing children and sexual predators nearly every day, and many parents find themselves frequently worrying about what their kids are doing throughout the day. Though parents cannot keep an…Read More
Does Criminalizing Bullying Reduce Reporting?
More and more communities are enacting harsh criminal penalties for bullying offenses. Youth advocates are concerned that criminalizing these acts will further reduce reporting of bullying incidences. Lack of reporting prevents healthier and more proactive approaches to this problem. Even without criminal penalties, only one in three incidents are actually…Read More
Type 1 Diabetes in Kids
Diabetes mellitus type 1, known as juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes, is an autoimmune disorder that most often manifests in childhood. As the name suggests, those with type-1 diabetes must be on insulin therapy indefinitely, and the disease requires careful monitoring of both diet and insulin intake. Managing type-1 diabetes…Read More
Swimming safety tips to keep this summer both fun and safe
For parents and children alike, the summer is a time for going to the beach, getting out in the sun, and swimming in lakes, rivers and the ocean. Many people also enjoy swimming in both above-ground and below-ground pools on their own property. Before going out for an afternoon of…Read More
An Overview of ADHD symptoms
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder presents itself as a lack of ability to focus, hyperactivity and the inability to control behavior. It can be a combination of these symptoms, or only one of them. When these behaviors are noticeable and disruptive, the individual is often diagnosed with ADHD. The People…Read More
Sunburn treatment and prevention for kids
Sunburn spares no one. Every person, from infants to the elderly, is at risk of sustaining sun damage and burns every time there is sun exposure. However, those individuals with the most sensitive skin, such as children are typically at higher risk than adults. Learn about the most effective sunburn…Read More
Do your kids know about stranger danger?
Children can be very trusting of others, an issue that can lead to serious problems if a stranger’s intent is malicious. While many strangers are nice, a child needs to learn to recognize a situation to avoid stranger danger from those who aren’t trustworthy. A parent can help a youngster…Read More